Thursday, November 21, 2013

Violent Video Games Affecting Our Children

Vessey, J. A., & Lee, J. E. (2000). Violent video games affecting our children. Pediatric Nursing, 26(6), 607-9, 632. Retrieved from

Link Violent Video Games Affecting our Children

All most every adult are concern about the effect of violent video games to children. Video games can be fun and dangerous too; especially if parents are not keeping an eye on their kids and not explaining them that violence in video games are only fantasy. Parents should tell their kids the difference between violent in real life and violence in video games. In this article the author tells us a brief history of the evolution of video games and how violent video games were developed. Vessey also gives an explanation on how kids mimic things they hear and see as a part of their social learning. In this article you will learn people’s different views on violent video games.

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